Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wind Energy

For almost two years now there is a company here who has been putting in a wind energy farm here in Santa Ana. Just in the last two or three months this town has gotten quite busy for such a small town. Lots of roads have been improved so big dump trucks can enter to haul dirt. Although on the other hand they have torn up quite a bit of the main roads by making pot holes. There is always lots of commotion here on the small road with all of the tractor trailers hauling in the new parts, the dump trucks hauling in and out dirt and people flagging the cars to slow down or stop. Lots and lots of people are with good jobs who were without jobs before. This company has provided jobs for many here in Santa Ana.
Just in the last week or so the windmills have started to go up. The kids are all in awe. As we drive down the road there are lots of ewhhhs, awhhs, and pointing. Near the kids school you can see quite a few of them. So this is a daily occurrence of them counting to see how many more are up.
This project is suppose to be done in December. So far there are three or four up near the kids school and several more you can see they are preparing to put up. So I am sure now til when they finish the kids will continue to be in awe everyday and keep track of how many more new ones are up each week.
The project I hope will benefit many here in Santa Ana. This is the largest wind energy farm in Central America.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Jose's Finger

Jose thought he had found himself a new ring today. Little did he know how much this ring was about to cost him.
Marc called me over while the kids were playing outside today and he said look at what Jose had done. I thought well a little vaseline or soap and water we could get it off. Well we twisted and pulled and several of us tried to get it off but no luck. Marc decided he was going to get something to try to cut it off and some WD40. Still no luck. At this point a good half an hour has went by and we were having no luck at getting this ring off of his finger. Marc decided he was going to take him to the local hospital and see if they had something they could cut it off with. I told Marc I would go along too.
We got to the hospital to find out they did not have any special tools to get this off of his finger. We were there over an hour and the Dr and nurse were pulling, sawing, prying and trying to get this thing off of his finger. The Dr. came out at one point and said they were making head way slowly but it was going to work because Jose was not going to cooperate with them. So the Dr. told us we needed to take him to town and see if we could get help. I quickly said well if you are making head way keep doing the same thing and I will talk to Jose. I went in there was the Dr. was working got Jose calmed down maybe for 5 minutes. Jose and the Dr. both were getting very impatient. Jose was not doing so well waiting and the Dr. was not doing so well with Jose screaming and yelling. Marc then came back to help with Jose and we all helped hold Jose down and try to calm him as Marc, the nurse and the Dr. took turns trying to saw and pry this ring off of his finger.
They finally got it cut a little bit to where they could pull back the metal and there was a small opening in the ring. So after working a good hour or maybe more the Dr. put cream on his finger and pull with little pliers. Jose was screaming as if someone was killing him. Although the Dr. continued to pull and the ring slowly slid off of his finger. Jose some how managed to get out of the whole thing with out his fingered getting cut or or bleeding.
Never a dull moment here at Casa. Hopefully this is a lesson he will remember!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Happy Birthday Pamela!!!!
Monday Pamela turned 14!! Yes I said 14, I can't believe she is already 14. Time flies!! Although I am so proud of the young lady she has become and continues to become.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Today was just one of those days. Not too sure the kids were any worse than any other day. I just think I was having an off day. Why, no clue!?! I just feel blah today and like I want to run away to a cave. Some kids did press some limits today. And it did not seem that I had too much patience's either today. Tomorrow with it being my day off hopefully I can get a good days rest and be able to start new on Sunday.
On another note.......stitches
This morning was just Terri and I. She was outside on kid duty while I had several of them inside working on homework. Around 10:30 one of the kids comes running and telling me that Adonis has gotten hurt and that his bone is sticking out. I am thinking it is bad at this point and that he has broken his leg and part of his bone is sticking out. So I hurry outside to find Terri attending to Adonis but all of the kids are also surrounding them also. Terri says she thinks it is going to need stitches. I quickly run up to the clinic to see if the nurse or Dr. can help us. Luckily there was no broken bones or much blood. He has just cut his leg open. The Dr. put in 7 stitches. He calmed down for the stitches but before the stitches he was yelling he was going to die and that his bone was sticking out etc.....!!!! A little dramatic! Although Terri was good at getting him calmed down and to take deep breathes. He was quickly back up and running around after he got his stitches. Now hopefully he lets his leg heal without picking at it or trying to take the stitches out himself.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Talent Show

On Friday a team was even here to see the kids talent show.
Nohemy and Sisi singing "Father God"
Daniela forgot what she was suppose to say and Dalys had to remind her.
All of the kids sitting watching the others show their talent!
All of the kids did paintings and drawings through out the week. The adults were the judges and we had to judge each picture to see who the winner would be.
Nadia and Miran are judging the pictures.
The girls making their final round after they did their modeling.

The kids were out of class all last week for student week. Not as if they do not get enough days out of school but last week was "semana de la estudiante". The kids worked all week with our Psychologist, Dalys to put on a talent show at the end of the week. Thursday afternoon some of the kids told jokes, riddles, and poems. All of the adults judged each act. Then on Friday was singing and dancing. The kids were judged once again. After everything was said and done on Friday the winners were announced from Thursday and Friday.
I could really see some of the kids shine this week in their talents. I think over all it helped most of the kids with their self esteem.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

May Update 2011

May 2011

The first two weeks in May Dorian and I enjoyed the end of our visit to the states. We enjoyed our time with family and friends. It is always bittersweet to say good bye but is was good to get back home and into our routine here. The staff and children were all very happy to see us. School is getting a little more consistent these days and are having classes 4-5 days weekly finally.
Rainy season has begun and this is the first rain since last October. Enjoying the rain for the time being, with it raining a couple times weekly. Our water situation is much better since we had a new well drilled. It is nice to not run out of water when you have so many children.
Dorian and I are expecting our first child the end of this year. We are beyond ecstatic!. I am currently about 3 months pregnant. Many of you know that we have been trying for around two years to have a baby. Now that we are, it feels kinda surreal. These last two years have felt like an eternity to us. We have both wanted to cry, scream and be angry at times. There have been a lot of questions and what if's and wondering why. We both knew that God has His hand in this but it was hard to understand at times. I kept telling Dorian that we will have this baby "by faith", but to be honest, there were times that I thought I had lost my faith. Thanks to each of you who were faithful with your prayers for us.
Dorian has taken a break from his schooling right now and is working with the groups that are coming on mission trips.
We are truly blessed by each and every one of you. Thank you so much for supporting, encouraging and praying for us.

Dorian & Karen Guido

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Doris and Reina

Those of you who have been here to Casa to visit before probably remember Doris and Reina. They are sisters. They both had made so much process since being here at Casa. They both have learning problems. Reina really has come a long way and can add, subtract, write her name, and some days read and spell. A lot of it just depends on the day. Although we got her at a young enough age that we were able to start with her when she was about 4 years old. Doris we were not so fortunate with and we did not get her til she was about 10 years old. She has made leaps and bounds also. Although not too sure she will ever be able to write her name or read. She used to not even be able to speak and now she says words here and there. Hardly speaks in sentences but really has made progress.
They both go to Teleton once a month to help with their learning disabilities. They also both attend school. Not too sure how much longer we will be able to keep them in the school. Do not think Reina will be able to make it past second grade level. Doris only goes to school to be able to interact with others her age. She will be 14 this year. So not too sure how much longer we can be sending her to school.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Girls dance

Most of the girls have been working all week on a song/dance with Dalys our physiologist. The kids did a mini talent show this week. Here is a small part of the video of the girls dancing and singing.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011


Josue continues to have problems with his intestines and stomach. He is really a trooper. Although he having a hard time understanding why he can't eat certain foods. When breakfast, lunch, or dinner is served and he sees he is getting something different he gets very upset. He sometimes just sits there with his arms crossed not touching his food. He eventually eats but he is not understanding very well why he can't have the foods the other kids eat. He finally ate rice for the first time in two weeks and he was over joyed! He was so happy!!! Who would have thought. Today there was a group here and they gave him a sucker and we had to take it away. Then tonight was a cookout with hotdogs and he couldn't eat those either.
Although he does understand he has his special drinks which usually cheers him up. He has the gatorade (blue gatorade is what he loves), sprite and juice boxes and every time he gets down or crying the others have something special and he can't he gets a special drink! Which usually makes him smile.
Hoping he is soon back to himself!

Monday, June 06, 2011


This was passed onto to me and wanted to pass it on to others to share..........

"O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by." - Ps. 57:1

I found these Tiger Moths in a field behind our property. As I set up my tripod to take this image, I noticed the larger moth gently enfold the smaller one in its wings. Whatever danger this strange intruder presented to the moths, the one moth was going to protect the other. And the closer I got, the more the smaller moth sought shelter under the wings of its mate. Isn't it strange that whenever life threatens to destroy us, we try to fight back on our own? Wouldn't it make more sense to take refuge under more powerful wings? - John

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Tae Kwon Do Update

Fernando against the boy the he fought against.


Fernando ready to fight!

Fernando getting his medal

Today was the Tae Kwon Do Tournament. The boys were excited first thing this morning for their fights today. Fernando was sure to show me how to tie his belt and began to explain how many points every hit was and even showed me a few moves.
Fernando won his first fight and so he moved onto the second fight and got second place. He lost my one point because he used his elbow. He did a really good job. The boy he had to fight against had a yellow belt. Fernando only has a few months of practice and has a white belt. So we are proud of him and he did a really good job.
There was no one in the age group for Bryan and Antonio so they fought against one another. Bryan won first place against Antonio with a kick to the face scoring him three points. And Antonio got second place.
The boys are ready for their next tournament already!!!

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Tae Kwon Do Tournament!!!

Tomorrow Fernando, Bryan, and Antonio have their first Tae Kwon Do Tournment. They will be competing against other schools. They have bought their first belts for the competition. The teacher says Fernando is excellent at what he does. I hope to get away tomorrow to go to the tournament to take some pictures of them competing.
Jackson and Jose due to discipline problems and not wanting to listen to the teacher are no longer in the Tae Kwon Do classes. Maybe with time as they mature they can give it a second try.