Sunday, June 05, 2011

Tae Kwon Do Update

Fernando against the boy the he fought against.


Fernando ready to fight!

Fernando getting his medal

Today was the Tae Kwon Do Tournament. The boys were excited first thing this morning for their fights today. Fernando was sure to show me how to tie his belt and began to explain how many points every hit was and even showed me a few moves.
Fernando won his first fight and so he moved onto the second fight and got second place. He lost my one point because he used his elbow. He did a really good job. The boy he had to fight against had a yellow belt. Fernando only has a few months of practice and has a white belt. So we are proud of him and he did a really good job.
There was no one in the age group for Bryan and Antonio so they fought against one another. Bryan won first place against Antonio with a kick to the face scoring him three points. And Antonio got second place.
The boys are ready for their next tournament already!!!

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