Thursday, February 03, 2011

Eye Clinic

Maryuri getting examined
The Dr. talking to a few people
Some of the glasses that they sold at a discounted price for those who needed glasses.
Align CenterReading the chart
This lady was scheduled for cataract surgery in the coming month in Teguc.
A Dr. along with his assistant from Teguc. came and did a eye clinic in the church building Wednesday. They got a late start on the day and had to leave early but there was about 75 people seen in total. All of the kids from the children's home were seen. Some have a few things we have to follow up on but Maryuri has to get glasses. We had no clue. She will only need them for reading, writing and watching TV. Let's hope she will adjust well when we get her her new glasses.
What a blessing this was to so many here in Santa Ana. Today the clinic was held in Ojojona and I am sure lots of people also were helped out.

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