Monday, May 30, 2005

oh the memories

This weekend i had two different opportunites to share honduras experiences. A few of us went friday night to a small youth group and shared with them the ways God had worked on our hearts, as a result of Honduras. Oh it was some good times and the kids there were so ever encouaging. They have big hearts for Jesus. Then today was our first time that we got to spend time with some of the people that we went on the Honduras mission trip. We had a memorial day, Honduras cookout(wasn't to much of a cookout b/c of the rain). It was a good time to reflect back on so many memories and be with some sweet people who mean so ever much to my heart. Oh how we would all love to be back there doing it all over again. To see everyones pictures and the sweet memories that they all brought back. I can say that a few of them did bring tears to my eyes. It is almost like it is a mourning process for me. I weep so much over those little kiddos and the ways that they touched my heart. Then we got to spend some time together as a group and we sung some songs and prayed and shared what was on our hearts. These two seperate occasions this weekend, i have had time to look back and see what God has done and the ways that He is continuing to work. God is so good! I am so excited for the journey ahead. Just to think that in a few short months i will be a country that stole such big pieces of my heart. I am giving up everything that i have ever known to go where the doors have opened and where God is leading me. How could you say no to this MAN? i can't and that is why i sit here before you ready to embark on a journey that i don't exactly know what it entails. i just know that He says follow and i say, "Here i am Lord send me." Sometimes that even means going blindly and not knowing all that is about to happen. Just trusting in a Great BIg God who knows what He is doing!

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