Friday, November 10, 2006


Please pray that we have patiences with Antiono. He is really starting to thru fits when he does not get his way. The Lord is giving me lots and lots and patiences........I am learning more and more all of the time to take a deep breath and relax. Oh sometimes these kids make me want to scream but then my patiences kicks in and all is well(ok maybe not well but on its way to being well). Me and Deborah do not know what to do with this boy, when he wants something he wants it now or.......a fit he will throw. So I am just praying for wisdom on how to deal with him in love and break this habit he has got in to. Am I am not just talking about a little fit I mean he scream murder as if someone if hurting him when he does not get his way. And I just want to give in all of the time just so he will stop but I have to learn this boy is never ever going to learn when we give in over and over again. But as you can see in the pictures he is stinkin cute, how could you not love the boy?
Nov.10th- Today I am thankful for patiences.....if it weren't for patiences who knows where I would be or these kiddso. So thank you Lord for instilling your patiences within me.

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