Sunday, April 20, 2008

Youth Group Outing

Last Saturday we had a good day! We took the youth group on an outing. It is not very often at all that those kind of things get to happen. It was a 3 or 4 hour car ride but they loved it and made the best of it. They sang, giggled, joked around, and told stories. It sure enough took me back to the days we went on our youth outings with Grubbs.
It was a beautiful view as you can see! looks like water is coming out of the rock
the waterfall from down below......after going down what seemed liked 100 steps..............going up was the fun part!
group fun
playing games
wading in the water
hiking down and around to see the falls
the youth group
seeing who can hang on the longest
chowing down on lunch

1 comment:

mandnfitz said...

You and Dorian are doing incredible things for God. I keep you in my prayers regularly.