Friday, December 12, 2008

~Happy Birthday Doris~

Today is Doris's b~day. I am pretty sure this girl has never celebrated her b~day. They do not even know how old she is or when she was born. We can't let those miss out just because they do not have b~days. So we make a b~day for them and celebrate!!
I walked in this morning to wake the girls up for devo and I began yelling at Doris that today was her b~day and sure enough she shot right out of bed. For those of you that know her, she is not a morning person and she is usually the last to get out of bed most mornings.
She has been so proud of herself that today is her b~day. She just feels so special!! She had received $1.00 to go spend at the casa store for her b~day. She came to the store and filled up with goodies and just giggled and laughed!
Then this evening we celebrated with cake!! She laughed and giggled and giggled some more! She loved every minute of it!!!!
I will try once again to upload photos from today but not too sure I will have much luck!

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