Wednesday, July 15, 2009


After being out of school for three weeks the kids went back to school today. Although there is no school tomorrow and Friday there is suppose to be classes and by Monday they hope for things to be back to normal, well at least as normal as possible with all of this mess here in Honduras.
Kinder has not started back to school yet they are to start back on Monday. There was a meeting today in the school and also in the kinder. The teachers reassured us that they kids would not lose the school year and they were going to try their best to finish out the end of the school year. Although right now with the government there is just so many unknowns. The teachers all seemed to want to inform us of what has and what is going on here in Honduras. They read to us the constitution and the amendments. So a little more informed still unsure of what parts to believe in all of this mess. I just want there to be peace.....................
So continue to pray for this country and the hearts of those who are leading.


Anonymous said...

I understand the teachers union does not support the new gov.

Anonymous said...

We are definately praying for peace, and for God's protection for all at Casa. If you are interested in reading an informative blog on a daily basis concerning the situation in Honduras, go to
This lady is an American residing in Honduras.

Anonymous said...

May God bless and protect each of you as the children return to school. From a Honduran's prospective, and from what I read, an overwhelming majority support getting rid of the ousted president that stole millions from a starving country.