Wednesday, August 05, 2009

July Newsletter 2009

July 2009

I spent the first week in July back in the states having the opportunity to attend and celebrate a friend's wedding. Life here in Honduras continues to be unstable. The children here have been attending school maybe half of the month. Their school is on one day and off the next with so many marches and protests taking place.
Dorian is getting ready to finish up another semester of college and before long he will be on break for a while. He continues to work with the church in Santa Ana. Dorian has recently got some new interns from Baxter that help him on weekends. The church has experienced two baptisms this month, which is always awesome. These baptisms are so encouraging to witness as people wanting to change their lives and live for HIM.
Honduras as a nation is unsure and unstable. There are numerous marches in Tegucigalpa that makes travel there uncertain at best. We here at Casa de Esperanza are safe but the situation could escalate at any time.
Dorian and I wait and pray for Honduras. This last month has been hard on us personally financially and times we stress over finances. A donation showed up just when we needed it and then we wonder why we ever worry or stress. Thank you, Lord. We continue to seek donations, either one time or ongoing so that we can continue to serve these people for Him. Please pray that the tension in Honduras ends soon, as it is preventing many from serving the poor.

Dorian and Karen Guido

Guido Ministries
PO Box 617
Belpre, OHIO 45714

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