Wednesday, October 07, 2009


So a meeting was held Monday here in Honduras by the school officials and they decided the school year need to be finished and wrapped up Oct. 31st.
Well the kids came home from yesterday saying that they get out Oct. 17th Saturday. So next week is their last full week of classes. They are in exams right now for the third grading period. The exams they are taking right now will count for the 3rd and 4th grading period since they are getting out a early.
For those who are needing help and are not looking like they are going to pass the grade they will start back in second week in Jan and go for a month. Then the second or third week in Feb. they start the school year over all over again.
As for now this is what is going on with school but it doesn't mean that by tomorrow it could be something different. The way things change around here you just never know!

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