Saturday, October 10, 2009

September Update

September 2009

September had it's ups and down with the political situation still in crisis. Things appeared to be calming down when Mel, the deposed president snuck back into Honduras the night of Sept. 21st. He is staying at the Brazilian Embassy in Tecu. Santa Ana remains mostly calm.
The second week of September we celebrated Children's Day with lots of celebrations in the school, in church and here at Casa. Childrens Day is a huge celebration in Honduras. We also saw Independence Day in September but due to all the political unrest, there were very few marches or celebrations. Our children were off of school a lot and finally Sept. 30th, they all returned to school. None of the children in Honduras have been in school very much because of the unrest.
Schools are trying to finish out the yea. It looks as if they will be all getting out of classes this next week. The children are studying for final exams right now even though they have had few classes. The teachers have gave the children study guides to prepare for their exams.
Dorian has started back with his classes on Sept. 21st. It was hard on me to see him go back as He has been a huge help to me with the children. Please continue to pray for Honduras and it's people as the political struggle continues. Curfews are called often and that prevents the people from going to work or stores.
Dorian and I appreciate all of your prayers and support.

Dorian and Karen Guido

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