Sunday, January 31, 2010

school reg.

Headed to register the kids tomorrow for classes!

These are the grades the kids will be in this year!
Linda 6th grade
Bryan and Pamela 5th grade
Antonio 4th grade
Jackson and Cindy 3rd grade
Ana, Jose, Daniela, and Fernando 2nd grade
Reina, Sisi, and Katty 1st grade
Nohemy and Maryuri Kinder
Also Doris will be attending school this year. They want her to interact with kids of her age. So she will probably be in 5th or 6th grade. She will not be able to complete the work but she will be able to interact with those in her class.
Then Rosy will be in 2nd grade at Manos Felizes!
We also still have Doris, Sisi, Reina, and Maryuri in Teleton taking classes.

Be praying as the kids start a new school year. It always makes for things quite busy here at the house, but busy sometimes is a good thing!

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