Sunday, February 12, 2012

Jan 2012 Update

January 2012

The kids enjoyed their last full month of being on break from school. Mid-February they return to classes. Which means we are back to early mornings and afternoons doing homework. The staff have survived the three month summer break of having all the kids at home every day. The staff are so ready for the kids to be back in
school and most of the children are ready to go back too. There is a lot of work getting 15 kids ready for a new year here in Honduras. We have to get them registered and get their uniforms and book bags ready. Most of the kids are all beaming with excitement and ready to get to school. There are a few who are a bit nervious. We have two who are going to be in high school this year. It is new for them (and us) and they are quite nervous. I know with out a shadow of a doubt they will do just fine.

While we were in the states Casa took in three new children. Two twins; brothers Olman and Josue. They are two months old. Korbin is only a few days older than they are. They came here itty bitty and weak. They are slowly growing and getting their strength. They still have a long ways to go yet so please remember them in your prayers. We also a little boy named Cris that has came here to live. He is 4 years old and a sweet little ornery kid. Chris had a hard
time adjusting at first but he seems to be doing better now with learning the rules and schedule and adusting.

Korbin turned two months old! He continues to do well, he has out grown his preemie clothes and and is up to 9 lbs now. He is such a gift to us. After many tests and Dr. appointments we are finding out what a real miracle Korbin is to us.

While in the states I had to have a bone marrow test to get further results on my blood issues. For now it seems that I will just have to be on blood thinners and monitor my clotting weekly. There comes a lot of anxiousness as I am on Coumadin for life and getting my INR levels to be theraputic. Although God is bigger than all of this and HE will take care of me.

We made our way back to Honduras the 30th of January. We didn't tell any of the staff or kids we were coming back yet and they were all so surprised to see us.

Please pray that Dorian and I will be used by our Father to bring glory to Him in all we do.

Dorian, Karen and Korbin Guido

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