Thursday, September 13, 2012

Independence Day

This week in September always brings lots of excitement to the kids. The 10th is kids day and the 15th Independence Day! There is lots of extra activities going for the kids around these dates.
The kids had there Independence Day parade today. We have been working for weeks to make sure the kids all had their costumes and uniforms all ready to a T. We got up at normal hour this morning and actually things went very smooth this morning. Between Dilicia, Christina and me we got the kids ready and out the door in time.

Above ~ Cindy and Nohemy representing the 18 departments of Honduras
 Maryuri ~ butterfly
 Jose and Fernando
 Red Cross ~ Daniela, Jackson and Ana were busy making sure everyone had water to drink
 Nature ~ 1st graders Lupe and Maryuri
 Antonio, Jose, and Fernando
 Katy ~ This little one has quite a stubborn little personality. She was suppose to be one of the Indians representing the 18 departments. Well she got mad and sad she would just go in her uniform. Her along with a handful more marched through the parade holding the letters spelling out HONDURAS!/
 Our big 6th grader Antonio

 After the parade was done the mayors office had a sandwich and drink for each one of the kids.
Lupe, Cindy and Maryuri were happy as their mom's also were there to see them march in the parade.
After getting home all of the kids from big to little fell asleep after chores were done. I think they were all tired from marching out in the hot sun! I think they will even sleep better tonight!
Happy Independence Day Honduras!!!

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