Saturday, July 27, 2013

Soccer teams

 In April a group was here and they donated to CASA some soccer uniforms.The kids became very excited about their new uniforms. Although I wasn't too sure when we would get to use them because I didn't want them to be play clothes. I the kids had their way they would be wearing them every day. We set one set of uniforms aside for CASA and donated the others to the local school.
Last week a team took the kids out to eat and to play soccer after church. Bryan had the idea that they could wear the soccer uniforms, finally. After church many of the kids were scrabbling to change their clothes and get their soccer uniforms. The kids wore their new uniforms with pride.


Daniela, Korbin, and Fernando (above)
Sisi and Rosy (below)

Cindy, Bryan, Jose, Jackson, Sisi, Korbin, Daniela, Rosy, and Josue

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was a great blessing to take the kids to KFC and soccer in those new uniforms!!