Sunday, February 02, 2014

First day of school 2014

 The first day of school was suppose to be on Tuesday. Well we got a call in the afternoon on Friday saying that the minister of education was suppose to be going to the schools in Santa Ana and surrounding area on Saturday. Most of the kids had their stuff ready for school but they had their minds prepared for Tuesday. So there was lots of scrambling and excitement in the air Friday night as they got all of their stuff ready for Saturday morning.
The minister of education didn't even show up and the kids got to go to school for just a few short hours. It was a joke. Hoping that is no indication as to how the school year will go this year.

Josue and Fernando (above)
 Daniela, Ana, and Cindy (6th graders)
I know it is hard to believe but this little one is in 5th grade now. Katy is still awfully tiny but still full of plenty of energy and a smart little girl. Just if the teacher can get her to sit still for any period of time to actually learn and do her homework. She usually is all over the place.

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