Monday, April 24, 2006

Lean on me

In the time that I have been here in Honduras it has been hard not being able to worship with others and share that same pasion with others and etc. At times I get so dry and am in need of a good kick in the butt to wake me up. So in the past two weeks having so many here who are sold out for God has done a lot of good for my heart. I know that there at home I have been blessed with an awesome church family, but I don't think I realized how much i took them for granted. So to each and everyone of you thank you for being the encouragement you were and are continually to my heart. And my prayer is that I never take for granted again the people that He has surrounded me with. What an awesome thing when God created His family. Now that I am here in Honduras I realize how much I miss "my family". As I am away from my Belpre family I pray that God will surround me with other people to bless my life and encourage me. I realize more and more each and every day that our bodies were made for each other, we can't do this alone. We all need somebody to lean on! So it is time as a family that we rise up and are there for one another and, do as we are commanded over and over again "to encourage and love one another".

In the next couple of days I will be sure to share some pics and stories of the past two weeks when the Belpre team was here.


Anonymous said...

Love you lady!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, sweet Karen. I know that Jen and you must have cried for at least a day after I left... I mean the group left... haha. I'm just jokin. Anyway, I hope that you all are having a good time down there without us. Now be honest... you played on the playground, didn't you?! ;)