Thursday, July 27, 2006

Please oh please keep the boys in your prayers as they visit their mom for the first time tomorrow since we have had them. I am afraid that there are going to be lots of anger and hurt after the visitation. Before at the place where the kids were at I think they had visitation days with their mom once a week. So not seeing her for a month has been hard on them, especially the older boys. Please pray that it is a good visit, and that the mothers sees that she is helping her children out by letting them be with us. That she will see the love that we have for them and the love they have for us. May she see that we are not trying to take her place but that we are trying to better her children and love on them and show them Jesus while they are in our home.
I flew home on Tuesday and so please pray for Jen as she is there with the kids and that she has the wisdom and the strength to deal with the kids when times get tough.


Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.