Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Rosy and Sisi had quite a suprise waiting for them today. Rosy is off all week for student week, and Sisi I told her I needed her to stay home from school today. After getting all of the kids off to school. I took both of the girls aside and told them that there was a possibility that today their parents were coming to visit them. Something that they both have waited for the 5 years they have lived here.
Sisi has really struggled with not having a mother and father in her life. Rosy doesn't communicate much to us about her needing or wanting her parents in her life. Sisi has cried many days asking, "Why her mom didn't love her and why did she never come to visit her and Rosy." Every month when the other kids look foward to their parents coming to visit they always have their heads hung low and wondering why no one comes to see them.
This past year IHNFA (children's services) were going through all of the children's homes and making a list of all of the children who have no one to visit them. They are working on trying to put these kids up for adoption. Well Sisi and Rosy were some of those kids. They started getting paper work together and such and working to see if they could adopt them. Well part of the process is putting in the newspaper their pictures and a little blurp stating that if there is any family memeber wanting these kids to report to the judges office.
Well that is exactly what happened. Their aunt saw their pictures in the paper and called their dad to tell him he needed to go to the judges office. INHFA called me yesterday telling me that Sisi and Rosy's parents were there in the office and that they would be here tomorrow to see the girls. We usually don't make any exceptions for visitation. We have our set day for all of the parents to come every month. Although IHNFA told me that I needed to let them see the girls today.
So today was the big day! There were lots of smiles. Sisi told me tonight it feels like it was a dream. Their dad told them that he hopes to continue to visit them every month. Their mom is not too sure how often she will be able to make it to visitation. Although she hugged the girls tight and told them how much she loved them. I really hope that their parents stick to their word and come to visit them every month.
Happy family!!!!

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