Friday, July 19, 2013


Reina has been in Teleton for several years now. Although last week she had her graduation.
Because of her age she is no longer going to be attending Teleton. She is 14 and that is the age limit. So we will be looking for other things for Reina to do. She does continue to go to school every day with the other children. She attends the 4th grade class.
Nicole is looking for other options for her. As we might put her in a special trade school in Tegucigalpa. As for now she will be working with Deborah once a week and learning how to cook.
Reina has had a lot of mixed emotions through all of this. She is excited that she graduated but at the same time she is sad she will not continue to get to go to Teleton. She has formed a special bond with the employee (Deborah) that takes her to Teleton. So she is sad she will not get to be spending and more one on one time with her. So that is why we made the choice to let her go cook with her once a week.

So proud of Reina and all that she has accomplished and is becoming.

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